New Habit Tracker

This is the accompanying "New Daily Habit Tracker" based on the information found in the blog post:  "7 Effective Life Hacks to Create a New Habit."


Complete the form, submit and print for your journal.

MM slash DD slash YYYY
Please name the new HABIT you're working to develop:
Write it down:(Required)
Did you write down on paper the new HABIT as well as motivations, obstacles and plans?
Do you feel like you were 100% committed to your new habit today?
Did you track your progress today (you can count this form as tracking)?
Social Proof(Required)
Did you offer a status update among family, friends or co-workers via social platform, email or in-person?
Identified Obstacle / Plan(Required)
Did you have a "backward" day? If so, be sure to identify the issue and plan... should it arise again
If you followed through with your new habit today, did you reward yourself with some kind of validation or recognition?
Place any additional comments about your day. Or, express one thing for which you are grateful.