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The 2023 Pump and Row Schedule
will be coming out very soon!
Start Training for your Pump and Row Challenge
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See how you stack up..!
The "Challenge" and How Scores are Calculated
Rowing Challenge
You will perform a 2,000 meter row for TIME.⏱ The row will be followed by performing as many maximum bench press repetitions as you can.
Each successful bench press repetition deducts :10-seconds off your 2,000 meter row time. The lowest calculated time wins.
(Scaled Version) Bench Press - Female
Female participants will bench press 50% of their own body weight (rounded up in 5lb increments) for as many repetitions as possible. (Example: 100-pound athlete bench presses 50 pounds)
(Full Version) Bench Press - Female
Female participants will bench press 75% of their own body weight (rounded up in 5lb increments) for as many repetitions as possible. (Example: 100-pound athlete bench presses 75 pounds).
(Scaled Version) Bench Press - Male
Male participants will bench press 50% of their own body weight (rounded up in 5lb increments) for as many repetitions as possible. (Example: 201-pound athlete bench presses 105 pounds).
(Full Version) Bench Press - Male
Male participants will bench press 100% of their own body weight (rounded up in 5lb increments) for as many repetitions as possible. (Example: 223-pound athlete bench presses 225 pounds).
Coming Soon!
The 2023 Pump and Row Schedule
will be coming out very soon!
Start Training for your Pump and Row Challenge
We are coming to your town very soon!
Athlete starts seated on the rower with feet on the foot pads and the handle secured in the cradle.
The rower should be pre-set to count down from 2,000 meters and the splits set to 500 meters
The athlete begins rowing and stays on the rower with feet secured until the 2,000 meters is complete
SPOTTER / ASSISTANT: A spotter/assistant to help lift the bar out of the rack is strongly recommended but NOT required. Spotters may help to assist with taking the bar out of the rack to the starting position with the athlete's arms fully extended and the bar fully supported over the chest by the athlete. Once the assistant lets go of the bar at the starting position, they may not touch the bar again until helping to re-rack when the lift is done
BODY POSITION: The acceptable body position for the set is as follows:
✅ Both the shoulders and the glutes must be in contact with the bench pad at all times. If either comes off of the pad during a repetition, that single repetition will not be counted, but the athlete may continue with additional reps once they have reset their body position as long as the bar is not re-racked or touched by the assistant.
✅ Feet may have plates under them to use as a booster from the floor. If either foot comes off of the floor or plates during a repetition, that single repetition will not be counted, but the athlete may continue with additional reps once they have reset their body position as long as the bar is not re-racked or touched by the assistant.
✅ Hooking of feet/legs around the bench supports is not permitted and will result in any repetitions with such not being counted. The athlete may continue with additional reps once they have reset their body position as long as the bar is not re-racked or touched by the assistant.
✅ Both hands must remain on the barbell during the entire set.
LOWERING THE BAR: When the athlete is ready, they may begin by lowering the bar to the chest. There must be clear contact with the chest. Once contact has been made the athlete will then press the bar back to the starting position with the arms fully extended and the bar over the chest.
NO BOUNCING: Deliberately bouncing the barbell off the chest to gain an unfair advantage may be interpreted as cheating and call for a penalty to be assessed
COMPLETED LIFT: The athlete will complete as many reps as possible. The lift is over when:
✅ The assistant touches the bar at any time after the initial lift out of the rack.
✅ The bar is put back into the rack at any time after one rep has been completed
✅ One or both hands come off the bar for any reason
✅ Both hands must remain on the barbell during the entire set.
✅ The body or bar are no longer in the approved lifting position
The competition begins with the athlete seated on the rower. The 2,000 meter row and gym timer may start at the same time when the athlete is ready.
The monitor needs to be set to count down from 2,000 meters to 0
Monitor splits need to be set at 500 meters
The gym timer is set to count up from 0:00
Once the athlete completes the 2,000 meters, he or she will need to call out the time showing on the monitor. At this time, the 2-minute rest period starts as the gym timer continues to count up.
The athlete may not perform any warm up bench press reps during this rest period
The athlete should remain in clear view of the judges for the entire duration of the 2-minute rest period
The athlete will then move to the bench and prepare for his or her first lift once the 2-minute rest period ends.
The athlete will then complete as many repetitions as possible while following the approved movement standards outlined above.
The lift is over when:
1.) The assistant touches the bar at any time after the initial lift out of the rack.
2.) The bar is put back into the rack at any time after one rep has been completed
3.) One or both hands come off the bar for any reason
4.) The body or bar are no longer in the approved lifting position
- Liquid Chalk
- Tacky of any kind
- Hand Grips of any kind (including liquid grip)
- Lifting Straps, Support Straps, or any other kind of straps
- Braces of any kind excluding wrist wraps.
- Bench shirts, bench slings
- Super Suits, support briefs, or other supportive gear
- Knee Sleeves or wraps
- Elbow sleeves or wraps
- Gloves or any type of hand or forearm or bicep coverings
- Tape of any kind anywhere on the clothing, body or bar including KT tape or physio tape
- Sticky Adhesives or grip adhesives of any kind anywhere on the clothing, body or bar including spray or other
- Gym Chalk (magnesium carbonate)
- Weight plates to place under feet during bench press!
- Mouth Guards
- Nose Strips
- Wrist Wraps
Any Athlete who alters the equipment or movements described
on this page will automatically be disqualified from the competition.
Coming Soon!
The 2023 Pump and Row Schedule
will be coming out very soon!
Start Training for your Pump and Row Challenge
We are coming to your town very soon!
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