Brendan Dunn - D/C Retired Utica FD
I’ve had the opportunity to train hundreds of firefighters entering the fire service. Most believe that obtaining the training, developing the knowledge and skills are all that is needed. It’s surprising to see how many people never take physical fitness into the equation. In point of fact, fitness is one of the most critical factors in becoming a competent, well rounded, and prepared firefighter.
I’ve also had the opportunity to work with a few physical trainers that have assisted new recruits entering the fire service. Most of them were firefighters themselves. Except one, Steve Nunno.
Steve was hired by the Fire Academy I worked for. I’ll admit, I was a little worried initially. Steve had no fire service background, had never worked at helping firefighters establish themselves, and was certainly an intimidating force.
It didn’t take me long to see Steve’s attributes. Steve dove into the fire service, he attending every hands-on skill session, asked questions, and did everything he could to understand the job of a firefighter. Steve spent hours on end developing programs to strengthen firefighters. All these techniques are based on the job that firefighters will be called to perform.
Steve understands that a firefighter will be called to perform physically difficult tasks, under demanding and punishing conditions. Steve has dedicated himself to the fire service, not to do what we do, but to prepare us for what we must do. Steve understands our job, and how we must perform if we are to succeed.
If you’re entering the fire service, you need Steve in your corner. Don’t be like so many who show up ill equipped for the demands of a firefighter.

Joe Puleo - Captain, Utica Fire Dept.
“The support, accountability, and motivation you’ll get is priceless.
(If you’re going to get your training from somebody, the best in the world seems like a pretty good choice.)

Aaron - Firefighter, Fayetteville Fire Dept.
"Give C2BFF a go! it’ll be the best education you could ever hope for.
Think of it as personal training, a master class in motivation, and a coaching mentorship all in one."

Cody Lekutis - Firefighter
“Steve Nunno was encouraging, motivating, and very meticulous with his explanations and visuals to demonstrate proper technique and form. He taught us everything that we would need to ensure a long and safe career.
Steve worked with me to help achieve and even surpass my fitness goals, bringing me to levels I couldn’t have reached on my own. Steve put a strong emphasis on anatomy and how the body moves to get the most out of every workout while always keeping safety in mind.
I’m in the best shape on my life and I can’t thank Steve Nunno enough!”

Daniel Sheehan - Firefighter
Steve Nunno's physical fitness program at the Utica Fire Academy was extremely efficient, professional and beneficial.
The program not only prepared us for the CPAT but also job based physical performance for our future career.
The Commit to be Fire Fit online pre-academy training program also helped immensely to get me prepared for the fire academy PT.

John Daniel Falotico - Firefighter
It's a strange thing to have a comically large man scream at you at 05:30 in the morning that you're moving too slow. And. even more so when the threats of bodily harm make you laugh so hard it hurts.
I mean what did you expect from a 260 pound fat guy who has an arts degree!? You made the effort fun and very rewarding.
The rewards came when I got back to my department and my issued uniforms were too big.
Or when the bell rung and I was able to keep pace with the crew.
The mental resilience you taught helped to make a potentially career-ending cardiac issue manageable.
Now I am back to work and training to run my first marathon!
Some days I still need someone to throw a boombox into my bedroom blaring Nickleback at such a volume I can't believe the UPD weren't sent on a noise complaint!
But, on those days I remember that physical fitness is only one aspect of training you provided me and I use the other mental tools you equipped me with to get out, get up, and be better.

Lt. Dan Winn, Utica Fire Dept.
I’ve been in the fire service for almost twenty years.
When I got on the job I was only 23 years old and was in good physical shape. I remember during my first year at the firehouse some of the older guys telling me that “this is a young man's job and you need to stay in shape so you will have a safe and long career.”
For years I was able to stay in decent shape by just being active in the outdoors, lifting some weights and casually running.
As the years went by and being a father of 4 kids, who were on the run constantly, I had a hard time finding time to keep up on my physical conditioning. I started realizing that while working at fire scenes I was getting exhausted quicker than I normally would and that after the fire my body had a lot more aches and pains that took longer to recover from.
At first I just attributed this to me getting older and the years of wear and tear from this physical job as to why I wasn’t keeping up like I’m used to.
When I turned 41 I realized I was going to have to do something if I was going to be able to keep working this job that I love at a high level.
Over the years I’ve seen how well Steve trains our new fire recruits and how physically fit they are when they finish our academy. I talked to Steve about my problems and he had me sign up for his fire fit program. The fire fit program is like nothing I’ve ever done before.
Steve works with you to specifically get your body in shape for being a firefighter. After working with Steve for only a short time I started feeling great again. While on fire scenes I’m not getting exhausted as much as I was and the aches and pains are way less and recovery time faster than ever before.
After thinking back about the advise I got when I first got on I realized they were right and wrong. Being a firefighter is a very physically demanding job and you need to stay in shape throughout your career. But, with the help of Steve and his fire fit program I promise you us older guys are feeling great and ready to go for years to come.
Finally I would like to tell all my brother and sister firefighters if you are either looking to stay in shape or just starting out and wanting to get in shape to work with Steve he truly is one of the best.

Jeff Lonczak - Firefighter
Steve Nunno is awesome!
You can have zero experience with the CPAT, as I did prior to attending the UFA.
But by the end of your training with Mr. Nunno, you will be well prepared for it. He will not let you fail.
When you wake up in the morning for PT, you never know what he has planned for you, just like when you put your gear on the rig for the day, you don’t know what the day has planned for you.
Not only will he get you physically and mentally prepared for the CPAT, but also the job.

Phil Urtz - Firefighter, Rome Fire Dept.
I joined the fire service at the age of 30. I was in decent shape but still had some work to do. I was never able to motivate myself enough to get in the shape I wanted and needed to be. Then I met Mr. Nunno.
When I first met Mr. Nunno at the Utica Fire Academy, I didn’t think I had what I took to become the person I am today. He helped motivate me both physically and mentally to do things I never would have imagined I could do.
There were times where he would describe our workout and I would tell myself there is no way possible I can do that, and not only would I accomplish the task but I would crush it! He taught me a lot about myself.
His knowledge of the fire service is incredible. He knows exactly how to train you to be the best person you possibly could be for the tasks you will be performing.
Not only is Steve an amazing coach in the gym, but also an amazing life coach. His words of advice and motivation are above and beyond. I am extremely thankful and will forever be grateful for our time together.
If there is one person you want training you to be in the best shape of your life both physically and mentally, it’s Steve Nunno.

Captain Anthony Zumpano, 33-Year Professional Firefighter